
Brave shave for Cancer

Story courtesy of the Northern Daily Leader May 13

STUDENTS at 澳门六合彩资料 Anglican School braved the shave on Thursday to raise money to help fight blood cancer. 

More than 20 students lost their locks in a fundraising effort for the World's Greatest Shave. Year 12 student and school captain, Marcus Ryan, said since 2015 the year 12 boys had been opting to go under the clippers. 

"I don't think there's a single boy who's not doing it," Marcus said.

The school initially set their fundraising target as $5,000, but have well and truly exceeded that, almost doubling the goal. 

Marcus said he thought the generosity of friends and family highlighted how important the fundraising effort is.

"I'm just hoping that we can support families because this is tough, I think we've all been touched by someone who has had cancer, so it's really good to support causes like this whenever we can."With COVID-19 putting school gatherings on pause over the last two years, head of senior secondary Julia Boland said the SRC had worked hard to make sure the event went ahead.

"One of our central values is selfless service, so we've got a long history of getting involved in the community and giving back," she said. As well as the 20 students who shaved their heads on Thursday, three girls in Year 9 also lost their locks this week.Marcus said he wasn't bothered by the new hairstyle, but would definitely be digging his beanies out of the cupboard as the cooler months approach.

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