
澳门六合彩资料's Careers Program

The 澳门六合彩资料 Careers Program is delivered with the strong belief that nothing is impossible. 

This week we hear from Charles Impey, Careers Advisor to 澳门六合彩资料 Anglican School Students. We are very fortunate to have Charles on staff, who shows passion and excitement in what ever career path our students choose. Charles gives advice, support but most of all, information to our students to make the best career decisions they can when leaving school. 

When we look at connecting our existing students with those who have been in their shoes and have transformed from ‘澳门六合彩资料 Student’ onto ‘澳门六合彩资料 Alumni’ flourishing in their chosen career, we realise, nothing is impossible. Careers are limitless and this is why at 澳门六合彩资料 Careers we value enormously the stories and the experiences our alumni are able to share with our students who have a thirst for the knowledge our alumni have built since leaving the school gates.

A brief snapshot our current 澳门六合彩资料 Careers Program

We deliver a Year 10 Careers & Community Elective, 6 periods a fortnight including 2 x 2 hour blocks designed to offer increased opportunity for community engagement without impacting on other important lessons. We deliver a Careers Mainstream Program for all year 10 students covering all the essential areas like career quizzes, resumes, job applications, interviews, career planning & career expectations, employer expectations and business & industry landscape awareness to mention a few.

We visit 14 universities between February and August each year, to give our university minded students the chance to see more and be well informed when they make their post school university choices.

We also look after our trade and vocational training minded students. We visit the Tamworth TAFE Campus for a 澳门六合彩资料 specific tour and play a lead role in engaging with the groups including Housing Industry Association (HIA), Defence Force Recruiting, Mining NSW and Apprenticeship Service Providers to host information sessions, workplace visits and trade & career events either during or outside school or business hours, again to work around the day to day needs of business and industry.

We have established relationships through volunteering and mentoring programs with Ronald McDonald House, Bupa Aged Care and the Local Landcare Group to help ensure our students have an acute appreciation of the diversity and the depth of local communities, essential to becoming part of a local community when the students leave 澳门六合彩资料 to pursue their life and career ambitions.

澳门六合彩资料 Careers openly and warmly invites any of our wonderful alumni to join us in any capacity possible, to share insights and stories with our current students. Based on feedback from our alumni who have been part of our careers program previously, you will love the experience and know that your knowledge and wisdom is appreciated and does make a different in the lives of our students.

As the Career Adviser with 澳门六合彩资料 since 2016, I have established a number of events and platforms to help link our students with our alumni while offering choice for our alumni who would like to share their wisdom and stories whilst keeping the balance between a busy life and career and finding an opportunity to enjoy a fun and engaging connection with our students. These include;


o   Enjoying a sit down and relaxing dinner with our students as part of our ‘World of Careers Dinner’ in May each year

o   Sharing some insights via a Zoom chat with students (one of those COVID friendly ways) with our alumni from anywhere in the world

o   As a business, going strategic and big picture by becoming a   

o   Taking on one of our students for work experience for a day or two or a few more if desired

o   Donating a Cap for the famous Cap Display in our Year 12 and Careers Space, the students love asking about the caps with their logos

o   Hosting a targeted student work place visit

o   Classroom visits and career or life chats in person

o   Visiting 澳门六合彩资料 during recess, lunch time or after school times chats

o   Employ a School Based Trainee or Apprentice

o   Employ one of our Year 12 Leavers as a Gap Year Employee or as a Cadet while at University

o   Link in with our  or Face Book Page

o   Or ….. you may have some ideas that work for you …… at 澳门六合彩资料 Careers, we like to listen and work in with what works for you.

Please call or reach out to Charles Impey (澳门六合彩资料 Career Adviser) at any time, phone: 0428 000 021 and email: charles.impey@calrossy.nsw.edu.au