Our School is proud to acknowledge all members of the Old Girls’ and the Old Boys’ Unions of the past who form the cornerstone of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ Alumni from our diverse 104 year history.

°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ is committed to reconnecting and celebrating our Alumni and is happy to help organise reunions and events. The School is also seeking to share stories from our past students to help tell the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ story and inspire students of today. At every opportunity we are inviting our Alumni community to participate in the current School through attending major school events. We also welcome our Alumni back to speak with students and share their stories through the Careers program, sports coaching, Boarding dinners, chapel and more.

In 2019 the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ Foundation was established and it directly in honours the legacy of one of our Alumni, through The Mary England (Melville 43) Scholarship. Mary loved her time as a Boarder at what was then Tamworth Church of England Girls’ School. After leaving she continued to put her heart and soul into the School she loved. She maintained the Sydney branch of OGU and was a devoted supporter of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ up until the time of her passing in 2018.

As we continue to reconnect with our Alumni community we have begun to hear more of the amazing stories from alumni community members dotted all over the globe, working from sky rise towers or working the land hundreds of kilometres from anywhere. One thing that is for sure is that you don’t have to go far to meet someone that went to °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ.

Update your details/Share your Story

If you would like to stay connected, update your details, share a story or memory or want help with a reunion, complete the short form from the link below. You can also contact our °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ Development Officer Michael Wilson by email michael.wilson@calrossy.nsw.edu.au.

Update your details or Share a Story





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