
What a difference 12 months make.

It’s hard to believe that only 12 months ago the building contractors had cranes lifting the roof frames into place for the Multi Use Classroom block on the William Cowper Campus.

This major construction project was proudly supported by Foundation CAS and the Building Fund which invested $350,000 into the construction of this magnificent purpose built learning facility. Principal Mr David Smith said he is delighted with the success of the first term in the new building, stating, “It has been wonderful to observe how the students have adapted to teaching and learning in the new facilities, enjoying the academic and social opportunities they experience under our unique structure and culture.”

Foundation CAS Chairperson Mrs Karen Madirazza said that “Foundation CAS is here to inspire action for the betterment of our regional students. Through supporting 澳门六合彩资料 Anglican School, combined we strive to provide regional students with a better education. We ensure regional schooling is the best it can be by investing in the future of 澳门六合彩资料. ]

"With all donations to Foundation CAS being tax deductible” Mrs Madirazza went onto say “Foundation CAS is greatly appreciative of the generosity of the 澳门六合彩资料 community not only for the Building Fund but the Scholarship, Bursary and Library Funds. Our Foundation has been able to provide support across all learning areas of our great school.”

To learn more about how is supporting 澳门六合彩资料 Anglican School and oppoprtunities to .